Each captive owner appoints a Director of the Company allowing for maximum input into insurance company operations
Freedom from the Conventional
Greater control of your insurance budget through premium stabilization
Committed To Helping You Achieve Your Insurance Goals
Net investment income from each owner's distinct loss fund and potential profits can accrue to that owner's bottom line
Control Your Insurance Destiny

The Mission

The mission of Catalyst Insurance, Ltd. is to provide the highest quality insurance protection for its non-related shareholders. By joining together to create a true sharing of risk, the shareholders can control their insurance costs and avoid the volatility of the traditional insurance industry. Additional benefits are created through the stabilization of premiums and the improved management of risk through effective loss control.

The Company

The Company, through the active participation of its shareholders, provides the long-term security of a well-managed insurance company. To meet this goal, only those providers of services that can meet the highest standards of excellence are associated with Catalyst Insurance, Ltd.

The Philosophy

The philosophy of Catalyst Insurance, Ltd. emphasizes that insurance is a manageable cost. Through the understanding of insurance as a business, Catalyst Insurance, Ltd. shareholders have unveiled the mystique of the insurance industry and the indiscriminate way in which costs are determined. Through ownership in Catalyst Insurance, Ltd., shareholders have indeed taken control of their insurance destiny.

Quick Statistics1

1 = As of 5/31/2022
2 = Dividends paid on a formula basis that take individual loss experience into account, not on a per share basis.


"With our company expanding into multiple markets and states, being in the Captive helped us control insurance cost. Our cost does not vary from state to state and helps us bid and budget for the market. Example is the Florida market where our competition is paying $15,000 - $18,000 per van per year and we're at a third of that. It gives us a definite competitive advantage in our bidding process plus with higher limits of coverage. Board meetings are plus as well with some of the best destinations around."

-- Klein C. a Catalyst member since 2014

"Not only have we saved a considerable amount of money on rates but we have been very active with training and education so our crews and staff are able to prevent injuries and accidents. Catalyst is not just an insurance company, it's a group of industry experts using collaboration, innovation and technologies to improve safety and reduce exposure."

-- Mike S. a Catalyst member since 2006

"Catalyst has given us the opportunity to be able to directly affect the outcome of our worker's comp and auto claims. Being part of Catalyst empowers our Company to take ownership of our claims and focus directly on the root cause to eliminate them at the source. It is rewarding to have a team to partner with that fosters "out of the box" solutions."

-- Mary V. a Catalyst member since 2017